I Don't Support Mediocrity, Too, Whether It's A Female Or A Male — Her Excellency Tells Campus Mirror - OOU Campus Mirror

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Wednesday, 21 December 2022

I Don't Support Mediocrity, Too, Whether It's A Female Or A Male — Her Excellency Tells Campus Mirror

-Seyi Lasisi

The OOU SUG election will hold on 21, December 2022. Students of OOU, by exercising their political rights, will be allowed to vote their preferred candidate into various political positions. One of the most coveted positions and important positions is the SUG President. Campus Mirror spoke with Sen. Bakare Falilat Olayinka popularly known as Her Excellency about her political journey and vision for students of OOU, the criticism she has received being a female presidential aspirant and what difference being the President-elect will make. 

Campus Mirror(CM): Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with us. Before we proceed we will love to meet you: your name, level, course, and any other related information.

Her Excellency(HE:I am Sen. Bakare Falilat Olayinka PKA Her excellency), a 400l Nursing student from the faculty of Basic Medical Science, OOU, Sagamu.

CM: Students familiar with you know about your interest in seeing more women in politics. Is this what piques your interest in vying for the SUG Presidential post?

HE: Well, I only want people to buy the idea of competence and capability regardless of which gender has this in their locker. That is, it is fine if a female has this as much as when a male has it, too. I don't support mediocrity, too, whether it's a female or a male. That's why I push for the open minds of people to likewise give their support to competent people, whether they're males or females.

CM: We live in a patriarchal society. I am sure you have had your students criticize you for vying for the SUG president — a post that seems reserved for male students, and not Vice President. How have these comments affected your political journey? And also what's the reception of students now to your political aspiration?

Do students criticize me? No. Contrary to that, I've been encouraged, supported, and inspired by them. It's even more warmly that I've not suffered any telling gender discrimination troubles in my campaign thus far. This further testifies to the civility of the student populace. 

It's also a sign that the idea that the president should be a male is not only a mirage, but it's non-existent in the student's minds. My( political) apirational journey may have been confronted with many troubles but it'd be dishonest to accuse the student populace of inflicting an agender-biasedd narrative on me. The students have given me a resounding reception and I'm grateful for that.

CM: The new VC on getting to the office started a now-defunct policy of "no shoe no entrance "at the school gate. Though it's not your administration, several students were concerned that as a potential SUG President, you could have been more vocal in criticizing the policy. What do you have to say to that?

Although, there were no executives in place at the time the constitution recognizes the electoral committee to serve as a replacement until the election and they were expected to have had a meeting and negotiate with the management students'sts' behalf concerning the issue.

CM: What is your political vision for the school? Related to this is that, why do you think being the SUG President will make your vision realised?

I am a two(2) times SUG senator, and the Special Adviser to my departmental association, NUNSA, I also served as a member of the electoral committee in my faculty and as chairperson at that e NSA level. I have learnt and practised leadership from the most profound places, especially about OOU SUG. I have closely participated in the running and understanding of the complexities of leading the affairs of the union, having one president in servitude to 4 prestigious campuses, enhancing prompt, thorough welfarism to the grassroots and ensuring accountability. My vision for the school from here is to have around-the-clock functioning, impressive administration with sustainable goals and institutionalized improvements which over the years I have started proffering solutions to but not as rapidly as it could be due to some stumbling blocks one of which is not being in the right position to implement some changes which have spurred me to this point. The best welfare of the OOU students populace is paramount to me.

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