The Re-branding Campaign Is A Continuous Process - Dr. Williams - OOU Campus Mirror

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Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Re-branding Campaign Is A Continuous Process - Dr. Williams

The Students' Union Government of Olabisi Onabanjo University last Friday, May 4th 2018 held their public lecture at the AO lecture theatre. The theme for the lecture was tagged: 'The future of Nigeria : The place and values of youths and students.

The two days programme started with an exhibition and debate at the Law Moot Court, of which five faculties won their ticket to the final round and the faculty of engineering had the best score among the five faculties. Also, the faculty of engineering won a sum of 40,000 from the Chief Judge for performing outstandingly at the competition.

The Assistant General Secretary of the SUG, Oladoye Timothy popularly known as Timosharp, explained to the students the past achievements of the former SUG that has ever been voted in.

The SUG President, Dr Williams at the event shared his thoughts, his opinions and his views concerning Nigeria and the theme for the event. He gave a speech on the concept of re-branding OOU by his administration.

"The vision for this citadel of learning was put together that in our own little quota, we were able to contribute immensely to the well-being of students of this citadel of learning and to make sure that in our own little quota we are able to serve OOUites."

He added that the re-branding OOU campaign was done by doing things that are regular for the SUG.

"We also tried as soon as possible through the re-branding campaign to make sure that as we do all regular things which is normal for the SUG. The school fee portal, transport issues, course form and what a view, we make sure that we also tried to raise the awareness to students as regards how they relate to their immediate community, how they relate to their society"

"...The students environment as it affects many processes the effective changes that will make us be desired amongst others, we want in the nearest future OOU should be the desired school, in which major or majority of Nigerian youths that are seeking admission into higher institutions would desire our university above other universities in south western region, that is the re-branding concept." he added.

Students also made their grievances known to the administration concerning things that are affecting them and the union tried explaining the issues to them and promised a turn around on things that can be worked on.

By Adebayo Oluwafunmike

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