Everyday Higher with Praise Adeyemi - Gospel of Hope - OOU Campus Mirror

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Sunday, 20 May 2018

Everyday Higher with Praise Adeyemi - Gospel of Hope

Hope has everything to do with things that are not seen, yes I agree we live in a result-driven generation, it also is the case that before anything happens in the physical it is a result of a spiritual reaction.

Expectation is absolutely important in the believer's world, so in Hebrews 11v1 we see that faith is the substance of things hoped for, just as you see a receipt before the goods purchased expectation comes before results.

So you can see a believer standing in a motor park Qnd everyone around him feels there is no possibiyod getting a bus but huts seconds away a bus stops right in front if him  and he calmly enters and people say "he is just lucky ni jare"

It's not luck it's light! For a farmer as explained in 1cor9v10, there is a planting season and an harvest season. The season where the foundation needs to be Layed is entirely spiritual. You have been praying yes!  Should you stop? No! 

Where you put your trust matters Jer 17v7 says blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.  The main question here is where do you put your trust?

For about 2-3 years of thinking I was born again, little did I know that my trust was not totally on him and I was depending on so many things.

Just then I cried out to him to take all of me and since then I've been living in his fullness. That's why he said that those who walk in the flesh will never please God.
You can and will never be able to please God with the fleshy mindset that puts your hope in man and the things of the world,  no wonder he said 'cast hour cares upon things above! '

The Bible says that we with unveiled faces, we behold him as a mirror and then we would  be transformed from glory to glory.  Hallelujah. What changes us is the level of revelation we have of him.

So there is a need for a daily walk with him as all of him becomes all of us and our hope is totally upon him, and we know that this hope never fails  ROM 5V5. Receive him today and watch your life experience a whole new turn-around. Feel free to call 07069681354, I would be happy to hear from you.

Have a blessed week!

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